Home Business Insights & Advice Global e-commerce trends and stats in launching your business across borders

Global e-commerce trends and stats in launching your business across borders

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17th Jun 19 4:03 pm

The international online borderless business has been on the increase lately. Besides being more important than what it is, it is what it is not. International e-commerce is not a pleasure. It is not one policy among plenty. It is a necessity to go global and fit in with other online brands and companies such as Stylecaret. To get hold of the opportunities a few steps need to be followed in order to meet the challenges. Services and products are sold online to non – native markets through sales and marketing. A cumulative data has shown that an increase of 276.9% worldwide has been reported over the recent tracked duration.

Here are some statistics of retail e-commerce sales worldwide which amounted to 2.3 trillion US dollars. In 2016, most of the sales in China were from online sales. We’ll unpack that quote and more below. For now, the big idea is simple that the shadow of global e-commerce looms too large to ignore.

Product-Market Suitability Varies by Country and Region

Making calculated conclusions on which geographies to pay much attention to product-market that are, endorsing the existing opportunity or demand for your donations within current areas. For example, regardless of how much money and effort, much of the products in some countries like China have never become successful because of some biological reasons for example deodorant products.

Gratefully, some companies provide a breakdown of some of the profit-making online industries regionally. Placing those verticals with your own uprightly will give way for a good starting point in guiding global decisions. The most important thing is determining geographic potentials. Once you identify a region, what follows should be the analysis of the country by country. The potentials of the market can be outlined by first, Identifying the local competition and the market segment. Plus, Identify the market’s monetary size and determine the annual consumption.

Domestic Shoppers Look Afar Their Borders

A global presence is not a necessity in going global.  Most Shoppers who do online purchases are increasing daily and looking beyond their country’s borders. Most evaluations show that most purchases are done overseas mostly in China. Online advertising or social media overseas is one of the simplest ways to begin testing foreign markets. Doing this will involve product listing ads, Facebook, Google ads and Instagram. Good examples of online retailers with stores are Macy’s and Walmart among others with their businesses engaging with B2B e-commerce. Promoting advertising online in other countries and social content.

Payment variations

There are different payment variations around the world. As you prepare to open your global e-commerce business it is good to consider how the payment should be done. Since online payment methods weigh heavily on buying decisions. Hence resulting in a default payment that works in a particular region is a good decision and works easily. Different payments are found in different regions around the globe. For instance, credit cards and digital payments like PayPal are the most used in most areas.  However, cash on delivery is preferred in India, Africa, and Eastern Europe. These differences have been brought about by the language and currency of the specific region.

The local language and currency

Surprisingly global sales are determined by your business site being able to have a native option with the various native languages. This need for vernacular language trend should actually go beyond google translate. For most online consumers shopping through with their native language determines whether they shop or buy on your site. It is, therefore, vital to have product titles, headlines and amounts translated by a native copywriter to have a perfect flow of your site. A study that was conducted for over 30,000 online shoppers, showed how most of them prefer business sites that price with their own local currency. This makes pricing very crucial since the study also shows that most shoppers abandon the purchase after they see the pricing listed in US dollars.

The next growth Horizon

China by the year 2023 is set to be the top region in revenue in the global e-commerce business. China will offer the world a platform for expansion in the global business world. However, most competitors do not understand how they are able to achieve this huge success. Despite the many challenges that e-commerce business faces. China through various visible approaches has been able to out win all. It has invested heavily on the team on the ground. This is the people in charge of marketing, logistics, customer support, engineering, and localization. Creating a partnership with local vendors is another great approach they did not overlook. Thirdly, they were able to partner with already branded sites to establish an online presence in the market place. Which gives them more data and improved customer relationships.

Rise of B2B global online sales

Although B2C had global adoption, the growth and the new trend of B2B is attracting the attention of sellers, investors, and buyers globally. There annual total market difference is at 279.5% making the B2B such a ripe global opportunity. Amazon, Alibaba, and Joor are examples of B2B market places that operate similarly to their B2C counterparts by having direct connections among the buyers and sellers. Plus, most wholesales choose simple ordering experiences especially for independent retailers, average franchises and B2C outlets. B2B has already embraced the norm of going through the self-guided online sales which is an advantage to any e-commerce business.

Google analytics

Check the international analytics to be able to determine the traffic of your specific business niche by continent, country or city. This will give you insights into current consumers and visitors of a certain geographic area. Plus, consider where conversion rates are high and traffic rates are high too. This will also show where you have gone global without knowing it. Through global analytics, you will be able to know where there is a demand for your products and give you an easy channel of where to sell online.

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