Home Business Insights & Advice Eight tips for a better business travel experience

Eight tips for a better business travel experience

by Sarah Dunsby
23rd Jul 18 11:07 am

Business travel can be anything from a small nuisance at best to an almost comically nightmarish series of logistical blunders at worst. If you ask most frequent business travellers what they thought of their last experience, few people would use the worst “pleasant” to describe it. However, there are some ways that you can streamline the whole process to make it somewhat tolerable. Here are some steps that you can take to improve the efficiency and quality of your business trips.

Pack light

If we were to give you one piece of advice when it comes to making business travel better, it would be to reduce the amount of stuff you bring with you. Travelling light is one of the best ways to expedite the security process and will facilitate almost every aspect of your travelling experience. This will completely eliminate the need to wait at the luggage carousel or worry about your luggage being lost.

Less luggage also makes you much more nimble on the road and reduces the amount of effort you have to exert hauling heavy bags around, which can be a major plus.

Have your essentials on hand

If your business requires that you stay on the road often, then it would be wise to keep a bag with all the essentials ready in case you have to go. This will significantly reduce the amount of packing time needed and will eliminate the stress of forgetting vital items along the way.

I know someone who keeps three identical carry-ons with all the important essentials needed in each of them. This way, when needed, they can just pack up their chargers, laptop, or any other important items they’ll need and leave. Of course, you don’t have to go to this extreme, but after some time, you’ll know which essentials you need and packing a “get out of dodge” bag will become a breeze.

Plan ahead

With the number of different planning apps and resources there are today, there is no reason to travel without being prepared. Gone are the days when you had to go through a travel agent or wait for confirmations to make travelling arrangements. While it’s often nice that you can make last-minute arrangements at any time, planning ahead will eliminate a lot of potential issues.

While we all want everything to go as planned, you always have to be prepared for the worst. Whether it’s a bad internet connection, incorrect booking information at a hotel or any other issues, it’s always better to be ready and have a Plan B in case something goes awry.

This goes for flight delays and cancellations as well. Knowing where and how to get flight delay compensation will allow you to get compensated faster in case there’s a flight disruption. You should also make sure that you keep the number of your airline’s consumer service department handy in case something happens with your flight. Don’t make the mistake of waiting in line for a gate agent to book your next flight, you’ll get there much faster if you contact customer service early. They’ll most likely be able to get you a new flight almost immediately.

Booking early will also give you the chance of comparing accommodation and flights and getting the best price possible. The sooner you book, the more pleasant your whole travel experience will be.

Consider flying private

Flying private is more convenient and cheaper than ever and you should consider it as an option for your next flight. Many services offer private travel memberships that offer added flexibility and allow passengers to fly private at the lowest price possible.

Paramount business jets, for instance, has a private jet membership card that allows people to book a flight and leave in as little as one hour. The card will give you access to all the luxuries of private travel without having to actually buy one. Some services will also offer you extra perks like a concierge for instance. Just a small detail like that could significantly improve the quality of your travel and help you get oriented as soon as you get to your destination.

Collect mileage

If you’re a frequent flyer, try to get all the benefits you can. One of the things you should do is always try to stick with the same airline every time you travel. In addition to using your credit card to rack up points, you should also take advantage of your airline’s frequent flyer programme. You’ll often get preferential treatment at the gates, and some will even have a VIP line especially for their members. This feature will take a lot of stress out of business travelling and allow you to get where you need to be faster. Some will also offer a special lounge for their members, free upgrades, and access to a variety of amenities you wouldn’t have access to normally.

Don’t dress to impress

Forget flying in full business attire. Even if you have to attend a meeting the minute you get there, there are plenty of ways that you can get ready once you land. There is no need to fly in formal wear anymore. Most airports these days have shower rooms that will allow you to get ready once you arrive at your destination. Trying to sleep in business wear can be a literal nightmare, so if you want to get some good shut-eye during your trip, I’d suggest that you dress as comfortable as possible; you’ll have plenty of opportunities to change before you meet up.

Don’t forget entertainment

Just because you’re going somewhere on business, doesn’t mean you can’t unwind and have fun on your way there. You should have the same work-life balance during flights as you do on your regular schedule. This will allow you to stay sharp and take some of the edge off. Bring that book you always wanted to read but never had the time to. Or preload your computer with some movies from Amazon Prime or Netflix for those gaps in your schedule before you go.


Exercise will keep your blood flowing and keep your brain sharp during travel. It will also help maintain your body’s metabolism which will allow you to get some much-needed rest once you get to your destination. Something as simple as a 30-minute brisk walk in and around the airport is a great way to stay active, in case you’re feeling groggy.

You should also maintain the same routine as you do back home if you ever intend to stay at a particular destination for more than one day. The start of the day is the most important, and if you have a regular morning routine, try to stick with it wherever you are. And also try to set your alarm clock at the same time you do at home as well so that you don’t throw your system off.

All these tips will allow you to make your next business travel much more efficient and will take away some of the headaches that comes with it. Make sure that you follow these steps next time you hop on a business flight to make the whole experience more enjoyable.

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