Home Business News Donald Trump slaps tariffs on $200bn of Chinese goods

Donald Trump slaps tariffs on $200bn of Chinese goods

by Purvai Dua
18th Sep 18 8:09 am

Intensifying his trade war with China, President Donald Trump is imposing 10 per cent tariffs on $200bn worth of Chinese imports in a move one senior Chinese regulator said “poisoned” the atmosphere for negotiations.

Trump has also warned that if China takes retaliatory action against US farmers or industries, “we will immediately pursue phase three, which is tariffs on approximately $267 billion of additional imports.”

Meanwhile, in a respite to Apple, among products missing from the list are the Apple Watch and AirPods, along with smartwatches and fitness trackers made by other companies such as Fitbit.

So far, the United States has imposed tariffs on $50bn worth of Chinese products to pressure Beijing to make sweeping changes to its trade, technology transfer and high-tech industrial subsidy policies. China has retaliated in kind.

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