Home Business NewsBusinessAutomotive News Car production falls to lowest level since Second World War

Car production falls to lowest level since Second World War

by LLB Reporter
29th May 20 7:55 am

New figures have revealed that Car production fell to its lowest level since Second World War in April amid plant closures.

Compared to April 2019 the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said production was down by 99.7% and only 197 models left factories last month.

Automotive employees are now starting to return back to work with half of the UKs car and engine plants to be operating by the end of May.

Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said, “With the UK’s car plants mothballed in April, these figures aren’t surprising but they do highlight the tremendous challenge the industry faces, with revenues effectively slashed to zero last month.

“Manufacturers are starting to emerge from prolonged shutdown into a very uncertain world and ramping up production will be a gradual process, so we need government to work with us to accelerate this fundamentally strong sector’s recovery, stimulate investment and safeguard jobs.

“Support to get all businesses through this short-term turmoil will ensure the UK’s many globally-renowned brands can continue to make the products that remain so desirable to consumers the world over and, in turn, help deliver long-term prosperity for Britain.”

Steve Turner, Unite assistant general secretary, said, “We urgently need a sector plan to support the UK’s world class auto industry through this crisis, with investment to defend jobs and support for a transition to electrification.

“The French and German governments have wasted no time in getting behind their manufacturing workers.

“They are using this shutdown to intervene, with taxpayer support, in return for a transition to a greener, innovative domestic industry, and support for resilient local supply chains.

“The UK Government needs to match this ambition, proudly talking up our manufacturing champions and working with unions to recover and meet the challenges of the future, sustaining and creating quality jobs and apprenticeships.”

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