Home Business NewsBusiness BUSINESS ANYWHERE – The ultimate guide to flexible working

BUSINESS ANYWHERE – The ultimate guide to flexible working

by LLB Editor
14th Dec 15 8:44 am

How “working from anywhere” has helped businesses achieve explosive growth

This e-guide has been produced in partnership with Microsoft

Take a moment and hark back to the time you’ve had the best ideas of your professional life. Where were you at the time? Taking a walk? Having a discussion with your friend over a pint of beer? Or, better still – in the shower?

The notion that you’re most productive at your job in the office is becoming outdated.

This is where “flexible working” or “Business Anywhere” comes into play.

To make flexible working work, employers need to provide employees the right technology to keep communication channels open, help their workforce to become more productive, and provide them an environment of trust.

How can employers do this? Read on to find out about killer benefits of flexible working, how to choose the right technologies for your business, and also how “working from anywhere” helped British businesses achieve explosive growth.


Click the cover below to get our free e-guide, or click here if you’re viewing on mobile:

Business Anywhere - The ultimate guide to flexible working

This e-guide has been produced in partnership with Microsoft


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Business Anywhere – The ultimate guide to flexible working

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