Home Business Insights & Advice Business 101 comprehensive email marketing tips for 2021

Business 101 comprehensive email marketing tips for 2021

11th Feb 21 10:01 am

With so many changes impacted by the pandemic and a lot of uncertainty in today’s times, communicating with our audiences has been a significant challenge. Email marketing offers the highest ROI in the marketing arena and draws your consumers to your sites. Even the recent stats have showcased how email is here to stay, and putting forth an email marketing strategy can help meet your performance goals and make you stay ahead of the competition.

With investing and improving the email marketing channel, people who are keen to receive promotional emails from your businesses to get relevant news can easily stay connected. This approach is the single secret to ace your business and gets the best in marketing endeavours. So, adapting to the changes and adopting the best practices, one can stay connected with the prospects, partners and keep in touch with the email subscribers who have actively shown interest in your brand.

Here are some comprehensive email marketing tips that can help you to engage with your audience in a better way –

Take personalisation seriously

Most of the brands are looking out for personalisation for their email marketing practices as it is the need of the hour and taken as a top priority. This strategy is considered necessary because in today’s time’s personalisation is grabbing the audience’s attention. Email marketing plays a vital role in attention-grabbing; therefore, email marketing for agencies is deploying personalisation in unusual ways related to the content. With advanced segmentation and adding the recipient’s name in the greeting, the emails are delivered to make your copy stand out.

So, take note of the first tip in email marketing – take your personalisation to the next level and wow your contacts. Surprise them with emails referred by the state they live in or include other ways to add additional value to your emails.

Leverage your audience with smarter segmentation and targeting

In the world of email marketing, where personalisation is the oyster, using special tools to segment your consumers are essential. It helps collect, collate, and use the data to target potential individuals because every prospect has different needs and preferences. Adopting smarter segmentation helps to send the right type of relevant content and offers to the proper recipients.

As long as you have an intelligent email marketing platform, you can ensure that your recipients get more of what they want. Of course, it requires detailed segmentation of data with tools like:

  • Preference centres
  • Dynamic content
  • Engagement scoring
  • Behaviour-based triggers
  • Geographic location
  • Job title
  • Industry

All this can help to address your customers adequately and ultimately increase your conversion rates.

Make use of the automation process

To serve useful emails with a small team and limited budget, automation and AI play a vital role in minimising your headache. The future of email marketing lies in automation as it improves the ROI and has some unimaginable tools that stream the process, segment the data, personalise the content, predict the behaviours through analytical data, and provides timely communication with the audience.

Using marketing automation platforms is undoubtedly a high priority across all businesses looking to upgrade their marketing strategy as it requires less effort from the back end team. So this is a valuable tip to start experimenting on automating aspects and figure out the non-negotiable features to score engagement and trigger emails.

Prepare for tighter privacy: it matters more than ever

When it comes to email strategy, adhering to local privacy laws and complying with national laws is essential. To gain your subscribers’ trust, you need to be compliant with the anti-spam rules or even take legal advice for the same. Consider all privacy regulations, no matter where you are in the world.

Your subscribers and recipients look to have explicit opt-ins for subscription and subscription options. If you want to rise above email marketing, keep your emails transparent and avoid any spammy content. With these best practices, you can expect your brand to double down on investment and effort.

Use fewer graphics, and be more interactive

Having a heavy graphic for your email can be less effective in grabbing the attention of your prospects. So, keep your emails unique with cutting edge technology and create your promotional content. With email marketing getting more prolific, interactive emails can receive more mileage with one-way communication options.

Having simple and less graphic emails can make your content stand out amongst the race and give the recipient a chance to interact with your brand directly. Hence provide them with options of calls to action buttons to rethink your promotional campaigns and allow them to join with your brand along the way.


The afore-mentioned best practices can harness email marketing’s power and inspire you to decide your priorities on your audience’s preferences. So, make them part of your marketing strategy and take your business to the next level of success.

Author bio

Saumil Shah is the marketing lead at InboxArmy, a Professional email marketing agency that specialises in providing email marketing services from production to deployment. In 2014, the digital marketing bug bit him and he fell in love with helping clients succeed in the digital arena. Saumil Shah has helped clients in various niches grow their businesses and revenue through SEO, content marketing, PPC, email marketing, and lead generation.

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