Home Business News Boris told to sack Hancock after claim he is a ‘danger to public health’ as he withheld positive data

Boris told to sack Hancock after claim he is a ‘danger to public health’ as he withheld positive data

21st Jun 21 11:34 am

The Prime Minister has been told to sack the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock after being accused of withholding positive vaccine news days before “Freedom Day” was delayed.

On the 14 June Public Health England (PHE) released positive data which concluded that vaccines do offer “significant protection against hospitalisation from the delta variant.”

It has been alleged that Hancock was fully aware of the positive PHE data on 10 June, which was three days before Boris Johnson decided to put back the 21 July “Freedom Day” date by a month.

Johnson chaired a virtual G7 meeting on 13 June in Cornwall with Hancock, the Chancellor and Michael Gove, where it is was agreed the 21 July date must be postponed.

An email which was only seen by Downing Street two hours before the G7 Covid summit started was sent by PHE over the positive vaccine news.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Hancock did not inform the Prime Minister of PHE data which was not included in any briefing papers.

Steve Baker, the deputy chairman of the Covid Recovery Group of Conservative MPs, claims in a daming statement, that Johnson could have been “bounced” into extending restrictions by four more weeks.

Baker said, “Either Matt Hancock thought this data was insignificant or he thought it should be withheld from the Prime Minister and other key ministers.

“Either way, the mind boggles at what conversation must now be necessary with the Prime Minister, and I feel confident it will be a matter of interest to my colleagues on the relevant select committees.

“If Matt Hancock was deliberately withholding relevant information, what was he trying to gain? Was the Prime Minister bounced?

“To send an email so late in the day is an act of opposition.

“It’s the sort of thing we do to Labour MPs before appearing in their constituencies to campaign.

“It’s not what a Health Secretary should do to a Prime Minister.”

People took to social media with one person saying, the Health Secretary to “resign” and said, “Resign. You are a criminal and a danger to public health.”

Another Twitter user wrote, “I’ll say it again: Matt Hancock is an utter disgrace.

“How he’s been able to stay in his post is a complete mystery to me.

“The man is a lockdown fundamentalist.”

Twitter user added: “Hancock is completely useless.

“Why the f*** has he not be sacked by yet.

“Any other job would have thrown him out ages ago.

“Then again even if said evidence was presented from the reports the decision was simply a foregone conclusion due to more outdated sage modelling yet again.”

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