Home Business News BBC shamed for ‘encouraging boozy morons’ over social distancing

BBC shamed for ‘encouraging boozy morons’ over social distancing

by LLB Reporter
9th May 20 4:03 pm

A BBC report on Friday has sparked outrage as footage from a street party in Portsmouth appears to show residents breaching social distancing measures, many have claimed.

Viewers hit out over the footage on social media and claim that partygoers were breaking social distancing measures with others from other households.

Dave Jones said on Twitter, “Fine. Whatever. Just don’t come crying to us when we run out of ventilators. You were asked, you were warned, then you were told.

“Wave your flags. Eat your scones and drink your tea. Enjoy yourselves. You only live once.”

Kim Walker tweeted, “Shame on you @BBCNews for encouraging boozy morons to clearly NOT social distance at a mass street party!

“My 93-year old Nan lived through the war, she spent today ALONE like she has the last 8 weeks!”

Lucas Hilton said, “Live in Cosham where neighbours are doing the total opposite of social distancing and for some reason BBC News are reporting on it like it’s all good.

“Sick of seeing things like this now it’s not fair on the rest of us doing the right thing.”

Jo Horne added, ‘Fuming. This is my road. Meanwhile, I have spent the day alone, indoors and in my garden.

“I have never seen any family this big in Cosham.”

However, a BBC spokesperson said, ​“Whilst perspectives on camera can sometimes be deceiving, our journalist made clear in the report that people were social distancing and those close together are from the same family unit.

“It is not for BBC News to instruct people how they should behave and our presence at this event was only to report on what was already taking place.”

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