Home Business News Barristers accept government pay offer and strikes will end today

Barristers accept government pay offer and strikes will end today

by LLB Reporter
10th Oct 22 12:32 pm

Criminal barristers have accepted the government’s pay offer in England and Wales and have now voted end strike action.

The Criminal Bar Association (CBA) said in a statement on Twitter, “The Criminal Bar has voted to accept the proposal made by the Government.

“With 57% voting to accept the offer made by Government, action is suspended from 18.00hrs this evening.”

Justice Secretary Brandon Lewis and the CBA held talks and the MP proposed further reforms whereby the government will set fees for legal aid and advocacy work undertaken.

According to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) the government offer represents a “further investment of £54 million in the criminal bar and solicitors.”

Lewis said, “My priority in these first few weeks as Lord Chancellor has been to end CBA strike action and reduce delays for victims, and I’m glad that barristers have now agreed to return to work.

“This breakthrough is a result of coming together and restarting what I hope to be a constructive relationship as we work to drive down the backlog and ensure victims see justice done sooner.”

The CBA said, “The Criminal Bar Association has a long history of respecting and unifying around the majority vote.

“The criminal justice system remains chronically underfunded.

“As a democratic organisation, we take our mandate from you.

“Your engagement has been overwhelming and we know that you remain committed to achieve a strong, sustainable, independent criminal bar for the future.”

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