Home Business NewsTech News Apple comes under fire for iPad '4G' claims

Apple comes under fire for iPad '4G' claims

by LLB Editor
1st May 12 12:37 pm

It was City firms embroiled in tax avoidance scandal, could face 100% fines yesterday and it’s iPad’s 4G capabilities today, Apple’s been making headlines for the wrong reasons lately.

The BBC has reported that the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) isn’t happy with the technology giant for advertising iPad’s 4G features.

4G stands for ‘fourth generation’ signal technology used to receive faster internet on mobile phones. 4G coverage hasn’t arrived in the UK yet.

The ASA has received several complaints about the 4G claims on Apple’s website.

Even though Apple confirmed to ASA it had removed references to 4G from the website, the company’s website still advertises the “wi-fi + 4G” version of the iPad.

However, a footnote does explain that 4G is supported only on a few networks in the US.

Apple declined to comment.

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