Home Business NewsBusiness 7 interesting facts about Cyber Monday

7 interesting facts about Cyber Monday

28th Nov 16 10:22 am

Will you take to the internet to find that perfect gift?

What comes after Black Friday? Cyber Monday… But did you know these ten interesting facts about the occasion?

1. Cyber Monday can sometimes get you bigger discounts than Black Friday, Amazon is one of the most popular sites to go to.

2. Millions of online shoppers will use mobile devices on Cyber Monday.

3. Cyber Monday was born in 2005 when the National Retail Federation (NRF), an American Trade Association, saw a surge in online sales following Thanksgiving in the US.

4. It’s similar to Black Friday, but expect more emphasis on electronics like speakers, vacuums, mobile phones and games consoles.

5. Between midnight and 2pm on Cyber Monday last year, 993,614 retail transactions had been processed online.

6. It is now known as one of the biggest online shopping days in the year, alongside Boxing Day in the UK.

7. The first person to coin the term Cyber Monday was Ellen Davis. She is now an employee of the National Retail Foundation. Davis used the term in a 2005 press release for Shop.org titled “Cyber Monday Quickly Becoming One of the Biggest Online Shopping Days of the Year.” Since then, it has been widely accepted by retailers all over the world.

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