Home Lifestyle News 5 clever ideas on how to reuse makeup containers

5 clever ideas on how to reuse makeup containers

8th Apr 15 11:43 am

Everyone that loves collecting and using make-up knows how satisfying it is to buy something that comes with pretty packaging. Let’s face it, some brands have the most beautiful cosmetic containers ever. A lot of beauty bloggers always suggest keeping prettily-packaged make-up on display on your vanity table in order for it to double up as a decoration.

However, nobody talks about how to reuse your favorite make-up container after the product inside them is gone. Here are five clever ideas on how to reuse empty make-up containers and turn them into something new altogether.

1. Turn old compacts into emergency sewing kits

An old compact is the perfect container for a sewing kit. While it’s true that emergency sewing kits can be bought from stores or online, their packaging is rarely every pretty. Once you’ve used up the entire product inside your favorite powder, bronzer or blush compact, glue a sponge on the bottom so you can stick needles in it and throw in some buttons and thread. If your container is one of those compacts with a brush drawer on the bottom, that’s even better for this purpose.

2. Transform an eyeshadow palette into a paint palette

Unfortunately, most eyeshadow palettes that come in pretty packaging hardly ever have refills for their pans. On top of that, many of them are also limited edition. However, you don’t need to let that pretty packaging go to waste because you can turn your favorite eyeshadow palette into a watercolor one! Just fill the empty pans with paint and let it dry into pastilles. The best part about this is that most palettes already have a brush slot under the pans, so you can keep your paint brush there.

3. Make your own makeup

If you’re a make-up lover, then you surely empty out a lot of makeup containers per year. And you probably also keep some of them because they’re just too pretty to throw out. Unfortunately, not many brands provide a refill option for empty containers, so what do you do with all that empty packaging? One cool idea is to make your own make-up. There are plenty of tutorials online on how to make your own lipstick or eyeshadow pigment, so why not give it a try? It’s also healthier for your skin, and more environmentally-friendly.

If you want to give this a go but don’t have empty make-up containers on hand, you can also purchase them in craft stores or online allinpackaging.co.uk. Just choose the type of packaging that fits the product you are trying to create, and have fun with it. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next Bobbi Brown, or even Kevyn Aucoin.

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